Friday, December 16, 2016

Shot list rough draft

Shot list in order 
Solitary confinement  
Slowly pan down main character's suit 
Waist shot of cop playing with stick in his hand and body facing toward main character 
Stops playing with stick in hand and asks "do you know why you're here" 
Up-close shot of mouth and jacket as the main character answers "I have no idea"  
Side two-shot of main character's legs while the officer walks around the chair and says "tell me what you do know"  
Tight Side shot of main character's face answering "look, all I did was walk into my own house. The door was unlocked..."  
Fade to murder scene 
Murder house 
Over-the-shoulder shot of main character's hand sticking his key in an already open door 
Wide-back shot of main character walking into house  
Close-up shot of main character's eyes panickily looking around the room  
Eye-line match of the bloody handprint smeared across the kitchen cabinet 
Slow pan to the dead, bloody body on the floor next to the handprint 
Cut to a two-shot of two other dead, bloody teenagers lying on the floor spread across one another 
Fade to solitary confinement scene 
Solitary confinement  
Close-up shot of main character's face breathing heavily then saying "they're gone" 
Forward-wide-mid-two shot of the waist and below of both the main character as officer walks away/off screen from standing close to the main character while saying "do you know who would want to do this" 
Over-the-shoulder shot of main character's head shaking back and forth as he says "no" and officer is standing in a corner blurred out 
Wide-Full body shot of main character but only mid-shot of officer standing next to main character 
Pulls up the bag to main character's view and says "we found this" 
Have main character tilt his head up as the officer pulls the bag out  
Fades to murder scene 
Murder house 
Point-of-view shot of main character's hands shaking as he picks up the knife 
Fades back to solitary confinement  
Solitary confinement 
Same Wide-Full body shot of main character but only mid-shot of officer as he continues to say "this is what you used"  
Flash back and forth quickly between looking up at girl in murder house and a wide shot of the main character alone in solitary confinement having a seizure like freak-out  
Finally shot will stick on the murder scene when the girl begins to speak  
Murder house 
Point of view mid shot of girl saying "man, that was a heck of a party last night" with knife in corner of shot 
Shot of main character looking directly at the knife (main object of the shot)  
Pans down to knife  
Pans back up to the girl 
Point of view mid shot of girl saying "what are you doing"  
As the camera pans up and is faced towards the girl the camera will go in and out of focus as if he becoming unconscious of what he is doing  
Final shot will be completely blurred as he starts to walk towards the girl 
Sound bridge of girl screaming fading to police scene 
Police scene 
Over-the-shoulder of two police officers sitting in a break room talking and facing a door 
Police officer will rush into room saying prisoner has escaped 
Jump-cut to police cars rushing out of parking garage (wide shot) 
Over-the-shoulder shot of police officer using a radio  
Running scene 
Wide back shot of prisoner running through the woods 
Close-up of feet running in the woods 
Close-up shot of vine where prisoner pushes it out of the way while running 
Mid-shot of prisoner running towards camera

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