Monday, December 5, 2016

Planning Before Filming

    My partner, Cameron, and I met up at Panera the Saturday, November 28th,  previous to this past Thursday and Friday to discuss the story of our film. While discussing the story of our film, we came to a conclusion on all the actors, costumes, and locations we would need for the film to be as realistic as possible. While we thought we had everything figured out that Saturday, we realized later on within the week that there were still some factors behind producing this film that we had not completely figured out yet.

     Wednesday, Cameron ordered costumes, and Thursday and Friday, we discussed the details for every camera shot we are wanting to take to complete the intro to our film. While discussing camera angles, I realized it's harder than you would think to get a certain emotion to come out of the audience from specific shots/angles. We also had to take into consideration at what time of day we would need to shoot specific scenes on certain locations to achieve perfect lighting for the setting/mood of the scene.

    Friday evening, Cameron and I arrived at a road block that made us both a little anxious. I received a text from an actor, who committed to playing the main character of our film, that he was no longer interested and didn't feel like he had enough time in his schedule for something like this. Cameron and I were hoping to start filming the weekend of the 10th of December. If we didn't have an actor to play the main role, we weren't going to be able to start filming. I went on a mad search for a new actor by texting everyone in my contact list to see if they new a tall, male teenager who liked acting. I received no after no until one of my friends recommended 3 actors from Booker High School who fit the criteria we were asking for. One fantastic actor, who is highly qualified, named Hunter Day said that he was extremely interested in playing this role and would love the opportunity. Cameron and I told him that he had the part, and we would love to have dinner with him on December 5th to get to know him a little bit before we film this Sunday. He agreed to it, and I'm extremely excited for what is yet to come.

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